Swift Courses Port Elizabeth
Swift Courses Port Elizabeth
July 13, 2024 No Comments on Swift Courses Port ElizabethSwift Courses Port Elizabeth.
Get Internationally Accredited & Recognized
Overall Questions to ask yourself about the Swift Courses Port Elizabeth..
Is Swift programming in demand?
– Yes very HIGHLY. There’s a real shortage of Swift developers in the app development space. Thus creating a massive demand for our Swift Courses Port Elizabeth. The top 3 jobs in South Africa today is app development (Swift/IOS). Swift is among the most in-demand programming languages on the apple app market, depending on whose numbers you look at. The Swift programming language has been around for nearly 6 years and counting..
Is what I learn relevant and of value?
– Most definitely and it’s current, up to date IDE’s (Visual Studio) and tools. Furthermore you learn from experienced Swift developers/lecturers and strong Swift development content.
Can I get a job as a Swift developer after?
– Definitely yes, get a job easier by getting Internationally accredited and recognized by writing your International exam/s:
All in all Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple Inc. for iOS, iPadOS, macOS. Including watchOS, tvOS, Linux, and z/OS. Overall Swift is designed to work with Apple’s Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks. Thus at School of IT the Swift programming course is designed for you to learn Swift practically. In turn build a practical portfolio of relevant industry projects. At School of it we offer:
- An intro Swift course (for the fundamentals),
- Furthermore An advanced Swift course (more intermediate and advanced swift concepts),
- A Software Development course in Swift (which includes intro, intermediate and advanced Swift concepts).
- Including a Software Engineering course in Swift and 1 other programming language (which includes intro, intermediate and advanced of the 2 programming languages).
Fast forward your career in the IT industry with a part-time Swift Courses Port Elizabeth. All in all the Part-time courses allow working professionals to transition into a new skill set while working. In turn at School of IT we are agile and can customize a Swift course to the individual. Start anytime and choose your hours!
Full Time
Are you ready to start a career in IT? In turn learn to code in Swift as a full time student at School of IT. Thus beginning your career as a Swift developer. Start anytime and manage your own contact hours with your mentor!
High School
In addition prepare for the future by learn to code in Swift while you’re still in high school. Have the option to get internationally accredited and recognized before you even finish school!
All in all upskill yourself or your company by learning to code while you’re working. Thus no matter where you are, you can upskill yourself and get internationally accredited and recognized in under 6 months!
Overall by the end of the intro Swift course students will have usable knowledge of the following:
- Understand Swift IDE and environment
- Understand IOS and the MACOS environment
- Be able to understand classes coupled with Objects.
- Understand the use of datatypes together with operators.
- Write a simple Swift syntax.
- Closures, Optionals and Tuples.
- Learn about Methods, functions coupled with sequential code.
- Decision making: If statements, not to mention switch cases.
- Loops, namely a do while, for loop and while loop.
- With attention to commenting, refracting code and naming standards.
- Learn multi dimensional arrays and hashes
- Overall develop knowledge on using Swift Modules.
Overall by the end of the advanced Swift course students will have usable knowledge of the following:
- Learn Pseudo Code and flowcharts.
- IOS development.
- Understand inheritance, abstract classes & inner classes
- All in all Polyphorism & method overriding & overloading.
- Encapsulation.
- Learn about Delegates & event handling.
- Tasks, multi threading & threads.
- In turn Synchronous and agile programming.
- Learn about Loops, do while, for loop and while loop.
- Thus Encryption and security standards.
- Learn sql queries and database connections.
- Overall learn Lambda expressions.
- Arraylists and dictionary lists.
- Including 2 dimensional arrays.
- Not to mention an intro to app development in IOS.
Overall by the end of the Software Development course students will have usable knowledge of the following:
- Intro Swift Course objectives.
- Intermediate Swift Course objectives.
- Advanced Swift Course objectives.
- Project & test.
(Swift + 1 other programming language of choice): By the end of the Software Engineering course, students will have usable knowledge of the following:
- Overall learn Intro Swift Course objectives.
- Intermediate Swift Course objectives.
- Thus an Advanced Swift Course objectives.
- Furthermore a Project & test.
- Intro of programming language 2 (your choice) fundamentals
- Including Intermediate programming language 2.
- All in all an Advanced programming language 2 objectives.
- Project & test.
- All in all become a Junior ios Programmer
- Swift Developer
- In turn a Web Developer
- Software Developer
- Furthermore a Software Engineer
- IOS App Developer
- Including a Systems Architect