Graphic Design Courses Johannesburg

Graphic Design Courses Johannesburg

Graphic Design Courses Johannesburg

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Graphic Design Courses Johannesburg.

Overall questions to ask yourself about Graphic Design Courses Johannesburg.

Moreover why pay someone to do graphic design for you? – Alternately create your own designs or create for others and charge them. This in turn could be logo designs, branding or brochure designs.

What I learn relevant and of value? – Definitely Yes. Furthermore it’s current and you learn from experienced graphic designers.

Can I get a job in graphic design after the course? – Definitely Yes. Furthermore you can study towards your adobe certificate in photoshop, illustrator or indesign. In addition you can extend to web design.

Design is a way of life and is integrated into every part we do. In turn this provides a huge platform for career growth and opportunities for a creative person. In addition if you’re a talented creative person with a graphic design interest, then School Of IT’s designing courses is for you.

New software programmes and design tools are coming up all the time. Thus our graphic course focuses on these advances (Adobe). In turn providing graphic design candidates the theory and practical know-how needed to succeed. At School Of IT, explore engaging modules like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and InDesign techniques.

Graphic Design in our daily lives

Design is an fundamental part of our daily lives. In turn it is used to create everything from wrappers of chocolates to invoices to billboards, shirts and even websites.

Altogether Graphic Design is a hard working profession that is highly in demand and rewarding. Thus the design courses at School Of IT will give you the skills to succeed in this creative world.


Fast forward your career in the graphic design industry with a part-time course at School Of IT. Part-time courses allow working professionals to transition into a new skill set while working. In turn at School Of IT we are agile and customize a course to the individual. Flexability.

Full Time

Ready to start a career in Graphic Design? Learn to be the best graphic designer as a full time student at School Of IT. Thus beginning your career in design.

High School

Prepare for the future by learning graphic design while you’re still in high school. Thus no matter where you are, we come to you and give you the basics to pursue your dreams.


Up skill yourself or your company by learning graphic design while you’re working. In turn we give you the tools to move up in your company through our creative design course.

Graphic Design Courses Johannesburg

What I learn in graphic design courses?

Learn the Adobe Suite. Includes Adobe Illustrator, inDesign, Desktop publishing and Photoshop. With all of this become the leader in graphic design. Together with industry exposure and possible placement opportunities.

In turn learn everything about design in our Graphic Design Courses Johannesburg at School Of IT. Includes user requirements to file formats. In turn what file formats are suited for printing, branding of vehicles. Furthermore how Vector images are so important vs normal jpeg. In addition how png formats are best suited for web browsers too.

Graphic Design Courses Johannesburg consists of creative steps in creating magnificent unique designs. Thus we teach you everything you need to know to excel.


By the end of the course students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Learn Adobe® Photoshop®
  • In addition Adobe® InDesign®
  • Furthermore Adobe® Illustrator®
  • Not to forget Adobe® Acrobat®
  • Corporate Identity/logo Design & Cross Media Publishing.
  • Brochure & Editorial Design.
  • Vector Illustration(Formats) Principles & Techniques
  • Raster Image Editing & Manipulation.
  • Layout Design Principles & Techniques.
  • About Copyrighting

  • Try our web development course or visit the adobe roadmap adobe roadmap

    All in all is the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content. Thus the form it takes can be physical or virtual and can include images, words, or graphics. In turn the experience can take place in an instant or over a long period of time.

    *Classes run on a full-time and part time basis – one on one training, start date: 1st of every Month

    The Graphic Design Course industry.

    The visual communication industry is exciting and ever-changing. Thus the Graphic Design Course at School Of IT prepares a person to a wide variety of skills. In turn these are necessary for communicating with diverse and global audiences. In addition techniques such as illustration and photography, all make use of digital media.

    Graphic Design Courses Johannesburg: Career Opportunities

    Thus after doing the graphic course at School Of IT, you would need to gain practical experience in the proposed design field. In turn a graphic designer may decide to become a freelance designer. All in all they could specialize in digital design, illustration, packaging, corporate identity and even photography.

    Moreover become a well recognized graphic designer with the designing course from School Of IT. In turn the short course will accelerate you career, and give you the design skills needed to fast forward your career. Thus with a personalized and a support team, you’ll receive graphic design training in your own time.

    In turn other short courses we offer at School Of IT:

    We offer other short courses in web development course. All in all this focuses on html, css, javascript, jquery and php. Including bootstrap and wordpress.. Altogether this will make you a well rounded web developer. In turn developing websites and content management systems (CMS).

    Moreover other short courses at School Of IT include IT training to companies . In turn these include programming in java, programming in c#, programming in python, programming in c++ and programming in visual basic (vb). All in all School Of IT staff come to your premises or agreed upon location to teach you!

    Thus start your short course in graphic design today!

    About the author:

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