graphic designing courses

graphic designing courses

graphic designing courses

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graphic designing courses

Overall questions to ask yourself about graphic designing courses.

Moreover why pay someone to design for you? – Alternately create your own designs & or create for others and charge them. This inturn could be logo designs, branding or brochure designs too.
What I learn relevant and of value? – Definitely Yes. Furthermore it’s current and you learn from experienced developers/lecturers.
Can I get a job in design after? – Definitely Yes. Furthermore you can study towards your adobe certificate in photoshop, illustrator or indesign. In addition you can extend to web design.

What I learn in the graphic designing courses

graphic designing courses. As well as learn the adobe suite. Includes Adobe illustrator, indesign, Desktop publishing and photoshop. With all of this become the leader in graphic design. Together with industry exposure and possible placement opportunities.

Besides all of all the subjects taught. The lecturers are experienced graphic designers and thus have a portfolio individually that amount to years of experience and expertise.

At School of IT you learn everything about design. From user requirements to file formats. In turn what file formats are suited for printing, branding of vehicles. Furthermore how vector images are so important vs normal jpeg. In addition how png formats are best suited for web browsers to.

Graphic design consists of creative steps in creating magnifient unique designs. Thus we teach you everything you need to know to excel in not only the design industry but also in any industry.

Design that’s to be experienced in an instant is the easiest to recognize. Designers arrange type, form, and image on posters, advertisements, packages, and other printed matter, as well as information visualizations and graphics for newspapers and magazines.

Course objectives

By the end of the graphic designing courses, students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Learn Adobe® Photoshop®
  • In addition Adobe® InDesign®
  • Furthermore Adobe® Illustrator®
  • Not to forget Adobe® Acrobat®
  • Corporate Identity/logo Design & Cross Media Publishing.
  • Brochure & Editorial Design.
  • Vector Illustration(Formats) Principles & Techniques
  • Raster Image Editing & Manipulation.
  • Layout Design Principles & Techniques.
  • About Copyrighting
  • web development
    adobe roadmap

    Moreover Graphic design, also known as communication design, thus the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content. In turn form it takes can be physical or virtual and can include images, words, or graphics. Overall and above, the experience can take place in an instant or over a long period of time. Thus the work can happen at any scale, from the design of a single postage stamp to a national postal signage system.

    *Classes run on a full-time and part time basis – one on one training, start date: 1st of every Month


    PRICED FROM: R6 900.00

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