ReactJS Courses

ReactJS Courses

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Internationally accredited

Get Internationally Accredited & Recognized

Questions to ask yourself about the ReactJS Courses.

Is React or rather is Javascript in demand?

– Yes very HIGHLY. There’s a real shortage of web developers in the workplace. Thus creating a massive demand for our React courses. The top 3 jobs in South Africa today is web development (ReactJS included). React is among the most in-demand javascript libraries, depending on whose numbers you look at.

Is what I learn relevant and of value?

– Most definitely and it’s current, up to date Reactjs tools. Furthermore you learn from experienced developers/lecturers and strong React and web development content.

Can I get a job as a web developer after?

– Definitely yes, get a job easier by getting Internationally accredited and recognized by writing your CIW or Microsoft exam/s.

Why React?

All in all React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications. At School of it we offer:

  • An intro reactjs course (for the fundamentals),
  • An advanced reactjs course,
  • A intro web design course (dreamweaver or notepad++),
  • An advanced web design course (dreamweaver, visual studio or notepad++),
  • A Front End course,
  • A Back End course,
  • Full stack web developer course.
  • A advanced MVC course with ASP.NET and visual studio (c#),
  • An intro wordpress course.
  • An advanced wordpress course.
  • A 3 month web development course (which includes intro, intermediate and advanced concepts),
  • A 6 month web development course (which includes intro, intermediate and advanced web concepts, but more developer tools and frameworks).
When is it Offered?
Overall learn Reactjs anytime and anywhere. We have 3 training options and we have award-winning coding courses. In turn identify and implement client side and integration technologies. Thus learn how to create and manage your own front end web application.


Fast forward your career in the IT industry with a part-time ReactJS Courses at School of IT. All in all the Part-time courses allow working professionals to transition into a new skill set while working. In turn at School of IT we are agile and can customize a React course to the individual. Start anytime and choose your hours!

Full Time

Are you ready to start a career in IT? In turn learn to code with html, javascript and React as a full time student at School of IT. Thus beginning your career as a javascript developer or web developer. Start anytime and manage your own contact hours with your mentor!

High School

In addition prepare for the future by learn to code using javascript and react while you’re still in high school. Have the option to get internationally accredited and recognized before you even finish school!


All in all upskill yourself or your company by learning to code while you’re working. Thus no matter where you are, you can upskill yourself and get internationally accredited and recognized in under 6 months!

Intro React Course Objectives

Overall by the end of the intro React course students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Understand React syntax with javaScript.
  • Overall Learn HTML and CSS Primer.
  • In turn Learn HTML5, the content formatting of a web page and not to mention the history of HTML5.
  • Understand to use binding and templet directives
  • Not to mention custom directive features. Thus working with modules and services.
  • Learn to code a custom HTML5 web page.
  • Understand scripting and third­ party extensions.
  • Not to mention web page frameworks such as bootstrap.
  • Furthermore how to use controllers and scopes.
  • Gain knowledge in services for ajax and promises. This includes services for REST and services for views.

Advanced ReactJS Course Objectives

Overall by the end of the advanced React.js course students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Learn advance React Features.
  • Understand context APIs, HOCs, external state, asynchronous APIs.
  • Learn fundamentals of Javascript.
  • React Concepts and features.
  • React and Redux libraries to manage complex stateful applications.
  • Capabilities and Limitations.

Back-End Objectives

By the end of the back-end Course, students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Understand sql and databases or MongoDB.
  • Be able to understand sql querys and syntax or MongoDB.
  • Learn HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.
  • Learn python, c# or perl, php, java or ruby.
  • Create web services.
  • Learn GIT.

Full Stack Course Objectives

By the end of the Full Stack course students will have usable knowledge of the following:

  • Understand the Fundamentals of web design
  • Be able to understand classes coupled with Objects.
  • Understand of datatypes together with operators.
  • Understand variable declaration including initialization.
  • Learn Methods, functions coupled with sequential code.
  • Decision making: If statements not to mention switch cases.
  • Learn about Loops, namely a do while, for loop and while loop.
  • How to use Django and Python Fundamentals.
  • Create Websites using Django Framework and best development principals & standards
  • IDE’s, applets coupled with publishing applications.
  • Including HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Web Services.

Career Prospects
The career prospects for ReactJS Courses are excellent and high in demand. Javascript is an excellent language: on all platforms and devices and in all countries around the world!

  • Junior Programmer
  • Javascript Developer
  • Web Developer
  • Software Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • App Developer
  • Systems Architect
Alternative Courses

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+2782 696 7749

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Mon to Thur: 9am to 5pm SAST
Fri: 9am to 4pm SAST

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155 Main Road,
Somerset West Central,

Company Details

The School of IT International Pty Ltd
Enterprise no: 2019/278233/07
Tax no: 9227879237


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