Tips for the beginning developer from expert developers

Tips for the beginning developer from expert developers

Tips for the beginning developer from expert developers

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Tips for the beginning developer from expert developers

Taking the first steps in learning any programming language can be difficult and Learning to code can be hard, often we hit dead ends and problems we find difficult to solve. In turn coding is a learning process there are ways and methods to making the experience or process much easier. Here we’ve mention  the Top Five Tips From Experienced Programmers To Beginner Programmers to make your programmer journey easier!

The Best Tips for beginner programmers from expert programmers


1. Get good at googling

According to 101 Tips For Being A Great Programmer (& Human), Being a programmer is all about learning how to search for the answers to your questions. By learning to Google things effectively, you’ll save a lot of development time. Thus this is the initial Tips for the beginning developer from expert developers

2. Learn as much as you can


“Learning to code is useful no matter what your career ambitions are.”
—Arianna Huffington, Founder, The Huffington Post

All in all Mitch Pronschinske, the former Managing Editor of TechBeacon writes about the 50 best tips from experienced software engineers.

Mitch says If you’re a beginner programmer, the best advice is to simply learn your language, frameworks, and tools top to bottom and gain more experience with a variety of different projects.

Moreover experienced software developers, should constantly try to find new ways to optimize your code for readability, performance, and maintainability, and then practice making well-reasoned decisions about where to focus time and resources in your code—whether it’s testing, performance optimization, or other technical debt.

2. Practice writing code as much as possible


“Don’t ask permission to refactor, test, document etc. It’s all part of ‘programming’. Don’t ask permission to do your job.” (Source)
Jerome Terry

Not only should coding be fun, but like they say practice makes perfect. So without trial and errors, we won’t learn and problem solve. Thus use critical thinking! According to Six Commandments for Writing Good Code, you should not only just code, but also write ‘good code’, code that is maintainable,  states Zach Goldberg, a freelance software engineer.

All in all when it comes to making a decision to which language to learn first, expert programmers advise you not to worry to much, experts suggest you just start coding.

3. Find what you’re interested in and stick to it

According to Ilsmarie Presilia When you’re at the “I don’t know yet”-phase, make sure you research a lot and always try out free sources, the best ones are Free Code CampCodecademy, Udemy and YouTube of course.

Regardless of interest though, one of the first things you should do is learn the Command Line and Git, and upload your files to GitHub or some other platform. Why? GitHub is — in simpler words — a web-based Git repository, which is used for (mostly but not exclusively) code.

4. Write Code that is Readable


If you struggle to read the code, how the hell are you meant to fix it – Hosk

According to an online article Why is Code Readability is important,

Hosk states that If code is easy to read, it will be easy to understand which makes it easy to debug, maintain and extend.  In turn It is easy to spot good code and even easier to spot bad code.  Often we asked to explain why some code is good and other code is bad a lot of senior developers will shrug there shoulders and just say “Because it is”.  Similar to when you know something isn’t right, it doesn’t feel right but you are not sure why. Thus code readability is one of the most important qualities of good code

What makes code readable:

  • Comments – good way to ‘name’ bits of code, to make it easier to find a certain method or procedure
  • Well structured code senior programmers will tell beginner coders to create a good design from the get go, as to not lead to more problems further down the line. In turn well structured code is split up into logical/well named classes and methods. Furthermore all code needs a purpose!


5. Pair yourself with a Code Mentor

As developers and beginner programmers, get stuck into code, this is part of the job description. How to deal with the problem is sometimes easier than we think!

As humans we are visual, and coding is the same.  Thus we suggest you watch tutorials of how experienced coders solve problems or how experts are doing something. In turn this should create a scenario which you can replicate. Often when we have a mentor, they can talk us through the problem, together,  instead of you struggling on your own. All in all there are great mentorships available for developers.

  • Codementor – One-on-one live mentorship from vetted software developers
  • Coding Coach – Which Connects developers with mentors worldwide
  • School of IT – you can start anytime with your very own personal mentor, who teaches just you at a give time.

This article outlined five tips from experienced programmers, School of IT provides great 1 on 1 mentorship in coding bootcamps. Thus if you are interested in a fulfilling tech career in Software Development. Then look no further, at School of IT’s coding bootcamps, python courses or our popular Software Development courses. All these short courses you can do in under 3-6 months and get internationally accredited and recognized. In turn kick-start your tech career as an expert developer!
Tips for the beginning developer from expert developers

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